Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Out of My League...

Well its official. My LAST semester of my undergraduate career has started and is well under its way. As of yesterday, I was approved for academic overload and was able to sign up for my last class needed to graduate in May. I am now signed up for 20 units - 7 classes and 1 internship. Yes, I suppose you could say, I plan to skate right through this semester. Since I cant skate, that would entail running into things, falling repeatedly, and a lot of struggle. This semester will be tough and extremely busy. I barely know how I have time to blog... but Im going to try to make it a priority as it does provide a bit of a release. Anyways, I could not be more excited to get it over with and continue on to the next thing in life - whatever that may be.

My schedule consists of a lot of general education requirements, major requirements, and a graduate school requirement. Genetics, Emergencies in Sports Medicine, History, Kickboxing (Im sure Ill have updates about that one soon enough!), Intro to Christianity (thats a story in itself), an internship, and Art and the Bible. Now lets stop at Art and the Bible. Actually, we have to because thats all I got.

Now, I would say I am a fairly creative person. Both parents I received my genes in that department from were generous to share their own creativity with me. However, I am not an artsy person, by no means. I will be the first to admit, I cant look at a painting and fully appreciate it. Museums and art galleries bore me. Plain and simple. Im sorry if that offends you... it just isnt my cup of tea. I took this class because it wasnt at 8am in the morning, it fit with my schedule, and Kaihla was signed up for it. I tried to take interesting classes and/or classes with my friends. For my last semester, I would like to kinda enjoy myself while Im trapped in a classroom for 50-90 minutes.

So, the first day of school, Kaihla and I embarked to our Art and the Bible class. First class of the day. First class of the semester. Though its a 400 level class, I still wasnt expecting it to be too difficult. I mean... art and the Bible. I feel like it isnt the most difficult thing Ive ever had on my schedule. No, that award would go to Organic Chemistry. Anyways. We walk in and choose our seats. On the board are two words, "coherence" and "praxis." As well as "art" and "Bible" with a line separating them in chart format. I looked at Kaihla questioning what "praxis" was. Neither of us knew.

Within a few minutes, our professor began talking, introducing the class. "Obviously you all are visual arts majors... maybe a Christian Studies major or liberal arts, but thats probably where the diversity ends..." Kaihla and I looked at each other. We were feeling very confident in that moment. He continued to talk as we both were praying "oh dear Lord, please dont let this be how it seems it will be..."

Then he began our first class activity. "I say art, you say - ?" He paused and stared at us, expecting us to have an answer. Silence. Personally, I didnt realize he had asked a question. Luckily, I dont think I was the only one. He tried rephrasing the question... "I say art, and you say - ?" Oh goodness. That "and" really cleared up the mystery! I guess when something makes sense in your own head, its difficult to figure out how to make it understandable in another persons mind... "When I say art, you say - ?... The first thing that pops into your head when I say art." Oh. That wasnt too difficult.

Now, my dear readers, when I say art, what do you think of? If you thought of "picture," "color," "painting," etc. you are in my boat. I was thinking I was doing good with those words... I quickly discovered my boat was a sinking ship and needed to up my game. Let me explain. My professor then went around the whole room asking people their thoughts on the now-apparent question.

These were some of the answers:


If you thought of a word similar to this, you are part of the elite club I will never have access to. Bravo to you! I sat questioning, What the heck does ambiguous mean?? I tried to give an appealing and intellectual answer when he pointed to me: "inspiring." Of course, my answer was the first that he gave that iffy face to and replied, "eehhh could be, sometimes..." Seriously?? Try as I may...

Finally he talked about the other words on the board. "In case you dont know, "praxis" is Latin for practice." Why the heck dont you just say that then?? How would we all know Latin?? I mean! Were not Latin majors - were Visual Arts majors. Well a majority of the class. Kaihla and I are Kinesiology majors, which is even more distant from Latin.

I kinda like my professor. He seems fine - so far. Hes just extremely boring. And uses words I dont understand. And asks questions I dont understand. Weve had three classes so far. Each class is similar to the last. This is a class where people dont really talk out loud. It is so different from the classes Im used to. I would help the guy out and raise my hand to add to the conversation he has with himself and tries to get us all into, but since I dont necessarily know what hes asking, I dont really know how to add to it. Hopefully though, the intellectual level becomes more simplified for those of us who are not attending an ivy-league school for a reason. Otherwise, the times I do raise my hand will end in a blatant fail on my part...

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