I have been urged to share this story with the world. Well, with my blog peeps, at least. Though it is a rather tragic story, it has a very important moral. Try to follow along and see if you can catch the lesson I learned.
Several Saturdays ago, I was preparing to go on an adventure with my roommate. The first thing to do when preparing for my day, most days, is to take a shower. Understand, I am not a hustle-body. I take my time. Also understand, I am not modest. I played waterpolo. I know I am not the most attractive Victoria Secret model out there, but I just dont really care, I suppose. So I showered, came out into the living room in my towel, and wondered what the weather would be like. As every girl knows, you have to know the weather when deciding what you will wear. Seeing me nearly naked is no new occurrence for my roommate, though I still receive a laugh because I am the first person she has met who does such a thing. To answer my question of weather, I decided to go outside on my balcony to feel the air. I have a balcony looking out onto the massive front lawn of my school. However, thinking I would be walking out to am empty field, I threw the blind back and prepared to take a step into the outside world.
I stopped, my hand on the lock. Well wouldnt you know it. A game of ultimate frisbee was occurring right outside my window. It would be my luck that this was happening. But I stopped myself before going outside. Now, being under the impression that those who are outside cannot see inside, I decided to stay and watch the game for a short bit. (I have been told you cannot see inside our apartment if you are standing on the field.) And so, I was comfortable in my towel, watching the game be played.
I needed to move on, though, and went to embark on the first steps of dressing: undergarments. I came back out of my room, poured myself a cup of coffee, and returned to my position in front of the sliding glass door to observe more of the game. Sipping my coffee, wearing minimal clothing, wide open blinds... just to give you a faint picture. I would go do something else to prepare myself for the day, then go back to the game. Several times.
My next dressing motions involved pulling some jeans on. I, then, blow-dried my hair. I picked up my cup of coffee and again returned to watching the game. Lets review. I have on a bra and jeans at this point. Moving on.
I finally chose which shirt would be covering my torso for the day and completed my dressing routine. I finished my coffee and prepped my toothbrush for some good, old-fashioned teeth cleaning. I went back to the window to watch the game while I brushed. Several hundred yards out on the field, I saw a friend walking towards me. Several hundred yards out. Thinking nothing of it, I continued to brush. I then noticed his hand lift up in the air and make a waving motion. At me. Another friend, walking near him, looked up to see who he was waving at. Saw me, and also waved. I smiled through my frothed mouth (not that they could see that), waved back, opened the door, and went out onto the balcony.
After several more seconds of brushing my teeth, something struck me.
Do you know the lesson yet?
I turned around and headed back inside, laughing. Calling to my roommate, I told her I was just waved at... while the door was closed. Her eyes widened. Yes. She got it quicker than I did. She laughed too. Then said, "Well we all know why theyll be back next Saturday!"
Talking to a friend via online later that evening, I told him the story. He responded with, "Well it sounds like you had quite the audience!" Upon telling my roommate that, she added, "Yep. And I bet theyre looking for an encore."
Well needless to say. Those people came back the following Saturday for another game. And the next. And the next. But its a scheduled game! Haha! You thought they were lining up didnt you?
Moral of the story: It doesnt matter if someone tells you they cant see inside your window. A window is not a door. A window is see through. People can see through it. If you are modest - dont be changin in front of a window. If youre like me... you have to learn that for yourself.
HAHAHAAHA.... excellent!