Sunday, July 10, 2011

Fifty is Freedom!

In honor of my Moms 50th birthday on July 10, I had been planning to do a "50 things I love about my Mom" post... However my sister gave my mom a gift of a handmade 50 things scrapbook. Yup. Beat out again by my much-more-creative-than-me sister. So. Mine wont be nearly as good and there may be repeats of things my sister said in this blog, but these are some of the things I love and cherish about my mom.
1. She is absolutely beautiful. She keeps saying she looks like shes 50 and just laughs if people say she looks younger... so to appease her, I will say: shes rockin 50 by looking faaaantastic!!
2. She has a generous and caring heart.
3. She recognizes right from wrong and stands up for the right. Shes passionate about these things and is willing to fight for them.
4. She lets me wear her scrubs.
5. She is an amazing friend. One who people can depend on, are eager to talk to, trust to confide in, and genuinely love.
6. She is a loving daughter and sister, always calling her siblings and parents on their birthdays to sing to them. She checks in on her parents from time to time and loves spending time with her mom (aka my grandma).
7. She drives a big car and was always the hottest mama carpoolin!
8. She has been knocked down by so many of lifes grievances, yet she continues to stand up and trudge on... giving all the glory to the Lord. She truly inspires me.
9. She loves the Lord with all her heart and has instilled a desire to seek Him in both my sister and me.
10. She would rather have a BicMac than a salad. She would rather have a brownie than a piece of fruit. Shes my kinda Mama!
11. She is incredibly supportive of everything I want to do and strive after.
12. Not only is she supportive of me, but she is my biggest fan. She is so encouraging in all of my adventures, always telling me to do my best. And when my best isnt good enough, she still makes me feel like it was THEE best.
13. She is realistic and plans everything out with/for me. She knows going from point a to point b takes a lot of turns in betwee, so she makes all the necessary plans for it.
14. She has faith in me... probably more than I have in myself sometimes. But without her faith in me, I doubt I would shoot for my dreams the way I have.
15. She is mama bear when it comes to her kids... always willing to drop someone off the earth if we get hurt.
16. She understands me in a way nobody else does. Truly gets me.
17. She appreciates my humor and returns with her own witty remarks. Spending a day with my mom leaves my side hurting from laughing so much. Its amazing.
18. She is honest, yet respectful when giving advice. It may not always be what you want to hear, but its what you need to hear.
19. Shes always in my corner. Always lets me vent and will stand behind me, even help me fight my battles if not fight them for me.
20. Shes willing to drive to Riverside at the drop of a hat - it I say I need her, she will be on her way. Whether its because of a hard day or I forget something, she is more than willing to come to me if I ask.
21. She listens to me, and really hears what I have to say. She has never brushed me off or given me half an ear... She will stop what shes doing to hear what I have to say on any given day.
22. When she makes a commitment, she follows through with it. She remains committed and sees it to the end.
23. She appreciates the little things and remembers to be thankful for the smallest moments in life.
24. She makes signs to welcome me home and hangs them all over the house... theres no other house I would rather return to on breaks than this home.
25. She has dreams... Shes a visionary. Whether theyre about things she wants to accomplish being personal goals, or remodels on the house - she is able to see a finished product before it begins.
26. She went to dental hygien school to create a better life for her kids - us.
27. Shes opinionated and compassionate. Not many people can appreciate this.... but I can.... and those who really know me would understand why.
28. She shares in my opinions and ideas. This makes a lot of conversations go a lot more smoothly than if we disagreed.
29. Shes incredibly intelligent. I dont give her enough credit sometimes. She pulls things out of nowhere and I still dont know how she knows it.
30. Shes wise. She has learned from life experiences and has common knowledge and is willing to let people in on little "secrets". [I dont know if that makes sense at all, but it kinda does.]
31. Shes creative. Just look at the ideas she came up with for her and my sisters 3-day walk fundraising open house! Very creative!
32. She will laugh like Van and Cheyenne with me.
33. She loves animals. For years, she allowed MY dog to take over HER pillow at night.
34. She takes me to tea and talks in fun accents. Shes created a special tea time that I will never take for granted.
35. She obliges me in my love for green bean casserole and meatloaf... weird things like that.
36. She will go with me to run errands... even if its just returning the favor, I still appreciate it.
37. She sits outside with our sweet Sam while he eats nowadays - he wants company when he eats.
38. She persuades me to buy something we both like when Im on the fence about purchasing it... convincing me with anything that will get the price tag scanned and my card to come out.
39. She cheers, dances, and gets pumped with me at Padre games... shes a good buddy to take.
40. Which reminds me, shes got the best moves of any 50 year old I know!
41. She likes a lot of the same shows as me - including the horrible, "cryptic" (as she puts it), ridiculous ones.
42. She will sometimes send me a Starbucks card while Im at school if Im having a hard time or to aid in my coffee needs during finals.
43. She values time spent with loved ones and has taught me the importance of family.
44. We have similar tastes in things we like... it makes shopping kinda easy.
45. She is loyal to friends, family, or anything she commits to. She has attended the same church for years upon years... even with its frustrations, she still does love it.
46. She isnt afraid to laugh out loud or tell someone they need to pick up their dogs poop at the park.
47. She moves me into school and organizes all my stuff... cuz she knows it probably wont get done any other way...
48. She embraces my friends as her own when they come into our home or casually sees them around.
49. She tries new things and refuses to give up. One of my favorite examples is how she has planted several pretty flowers around the yard, waters them, and keeps them alive... given, this house does not have a good track record with greenery so her trying is inspiring!
50! She is EXCITED to be 50! Nobody is excited to get older, but she has embraced it and is choosing to enjoy it!

I love you with all my heart Mom! You are my hero! They say if you love something to set it free, if it stays and says 'lets order a pizza' then thats me! Ill be your buddy for life! Thank you for being the best Mom a girl could ask for! (That could be 51.) Love you!

1 comment:

  1. OH this is so good, C. SO special! You said some things I shoulda said! We have the best mom ever :)
