Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Choosing Faith over Answers

Today, I came across a random website due to the guidance of a trusted friend. I was unsure of what it was, but when I clicked on it, I was able to see her fascination with the site.

These little guys are called Lap Giraffes. I really dont know how they are so small, but I am incredibly intrigued with them. I think they are amazing little creatures. There are some animals that are on my list to have someday. A squirrel. A hippopotamus. A polar bear. Possibly a tiger. And now, the most recent addition - a Lap Giraffe.

Of course, not all of my animals are plausible animals to own, but nevertheless, I have dreams. Dont squash them for me. At one point on the website, there is a place to "join the waitlist" to receive one of these Lap Giraffes. I clicked on it, thinking I would receive more information about how to care for them and possibly them trying to get information about me - like my name, for example. But as soon as I clicked it, I was immediately congratulated on becoming the 1,522,784th person on the waiting list. All I could think was now how do they know where to send my lap giraffe???

I showed my roommate and my friend the website, complete with pictures of the cute little things and a live feed of one of them in Russia (where the ONLY breeding site of these lap giraffes exist). Both of them agreed it was adorable, but seconds later, dismissed the idea of such an animal existing, questioning how it could occur.

I quickly returned with asking how any of us existed... then realized how ridiculous of a comeback that was. Luckily, I hadnt said it out loud. But my animal defense mode kicked in. Im not referring to the animal defense mode, like fight or flight, live or die, survival instincts. Im talking about the animal defense mode that not every person has... I have enough for multiple people. It is the act of defending animals. Speaking on their behalf. The little giraffe couldnt explain how he came to be, so I felt a pressing need for me to come to his rescue. They suggested it was photoshopped - absolutely not real.

And in that instant, I realized something about myself. Something I think Ive always known, but it became better understood. Yes, in the instance of trying to argue the case for a Lap Giraffe, which is exactly what it sounds like. I realized I dont need to question everything. I dont need to know the answers to everything. And there is no way for me to know the answers to everything. They questioned how it could be created. In my opinion, God is the Creator. He should not be questioned. Maybe this little giraffe has seen the beginning of the world, but has been lost and has only recently been found. Nobody knows. But I dont need to question. I believe it. I choose to have faith in it.

It was such an interesting epiphany as I talked to my roommate and friend about it. I was a little sad that they just couldnt have faith that something like this was possible. And I agree we shouldnt instantly believe everything we hear or see. There should be some investigating. But in those moments before discovering the truth, I cling to the possibility that it is real. That it is possible. I choose to believe.

I think its part of me that will never completely disappear. The kid in me. Like, choosing to believe in Santa. I have a confession. I am 21 years old and I believe in Santa. I know he is not the one who puts presents under my Christmas tree, but I believe somewhere, there is a jolly man with rosy cheeks and white hair, who goes by the name of St. Nicholas. I think we all should cling to that innocence of childhood. That choice to believe. That notion that we dont need to know how. It might seem preposterous and you might think Im insane. But watch the hope fade in a childs eyes when they discover Mom and Dad have been putting presents under their tree each year and eating the cookies left out. See the disappointment in a babys face when they realize you dont go away when you play peek-a-boo behind your hands with them.

We have to grow up at some point. But I think we have to have some things that are kid-like in our midst. I think we have to have faith in things. After all, that is part of being a believer. Knowing the Lord is always near and always protecting and loving us, even if we cant see Him.

Maybe I take things a little too far or apply them in a way a person normally wouldnt. I started with a Lap Giraffe and I got into some pretty heavy stuff! Who knew it would go this way! Even though sometimes I should ask why or how or when, or maybe I shouldnt but I do anyways... I think there are so many things that its ok that we dont know the answer to. After all. There is no possible way for us to know everything about everything. Not. Possible. So in the meantime, we should just enjoy what we have and not ask how it came to be.

In case youre wondering, because I know you are. I looked up Lap Giraffes. Its an advertising campaign. I was grateful for my friend who introduced me to the website. She chose to believe the possibility too. =) But see? I do my investigating when need be. But just look at these little guys! You cant help but pray they are real!

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